September 2023 Update

The management committee met and heard a report from the team carrying out the building works, the current estimated completion date is the end of Feb 2024. Works are going well and a lot of work has been done.

There was positive news from the charities treasurer, the transition from the old management committee to the new has completed and things are in good shape. However significant financial support from the public and from grant providers will be needed when Elland Community Hub is ready to open.

Support and training has been given by VSI Alliance and VAC.

A discussion was held about approaching local charitable organisations for funding and a way forward was agreed.

A report was given regarding efforts to persuade external organisations who have funding for youth provision to come and operate from the community hub once it opens. A number of challenges have been identified and assistance has been sought from elected members of the local authority.

A short discussion was had about recruitment of new committee members – if you want to join us please get in touch.

A meeting has been arranged with a community journalist and we hope they will be able to tell our story and this will lead to support, finance and to recruitment of new people onto the committee.

The next meeting will take place in October.

Time, Date and Location to be confirmed.

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